EXHIBITION: “Watercolor Paintings – Adventures and Explorations”

June 7, 2014 @ 7:00 PM – July 6, 2014 @ 5:00 PM
Art Association of Oswego Inc
1 East 4th Street
Oswego, NY 13126

Jones, R - paintingDuring the 2013 Annual Member’s Show, the Art Association of Oswego awarded Robert A. Jones a solo show opportunity.  Jones’ show, Watercolor Painting – Adventures and Explorations will run June 7 through July 6, 2014 in the Jo Hyse Gallery (downstairs) with a public reception on June 7 from 7 to 9 PM.

Jones’s main medium for his paintings is watercolor and he uses a variety of techniques and subject matter including birds, nature and rural scenes. This is his second year painting and he has progressed with the guidance of other watercolor artists, books, magazines and websites.

“Watercolor painting has inspired me to look closer at the beauty and complexity in our world. Watercolor painting has also encouraged me to look at details of light, shadows colors, movement and reflections in the environment.”

One of Jones’s approaches to watercolor painting is to experiment with different subject matter from his own extensive collection of photographs. He has also taken classes from other watercolor artists, and recently developed a passion for solar painting.

“I mix basic palette colors in an effort to create a harmonious composition. I have been painting for only a short time, and have much to learn, but I find fun and excitement within my artistic interpretations.”

Running simultaneously with Jones’s show, the upstairs gallery will house another display entitled Solarity. This will feature works of Oswego County artists that were created through solar painting – a process using only natural materials, sunshine, water, and watercolor paints.